Experimental pilot plants

Pilot plants aim to test innovative solutions at a small scale, in order to understand their potentiality and the upscaling. A classical example of experimental research is the use of constructed wetland pilot plants to test the treatment of particular pollutants, such as those driven by landfill leachate or industrial textile wastewater. In these cases, an experimental study is always necessary to design a full-scale system.

IRIDRA has designed and monitored many pilot plants for different wastewater typologies, for instance, aerated constructed wetlands for swine wastewater, aerated tertiary treatment for colour removal, landfill leachate treatment, or green walls for treatment and reuse of greywater. Therefore, IRIDRA has all the needed knowledge and expertise to design and monitor pilot plants, in order to test innovative solutions for both public and private clients.


Aereted wetland pilot plant for treatment of the swine wastewater from a pig farm in Magnacavallo (MN - Italy) of S.A.S.A. Srl., designed and monitored by IRIDRA, installed by Reinnova Srl and financed by ENAMA


Aerated wetland pilot plant for dye removal from the effluent of the WWTP of Bulgarograsso (CO - Italy)


Green wall pilot plant sited in Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran head office (Pune - India) for treatment and reuse of greywater. Realized under the European funded project NaWaTech


Pilot plant for the treatment of the effluent from the evaporative tower for treatment of leachate from the landfill of Peccioli (PI - Italy), owned by the Belvedere S.p.A.

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