Applied research

The applied research is the last step to transform an idea in reality. Indeed, the applied research includes all the activities needed to apply at a real scale a solution studied at a lower one.

IRIDRA has always monitored its designed and realized treatment plants, giving an important contribution to international and national communities. Particularly, IRIDRA has relevantly promoted the constructed wetland solution, providing evidence of its efficiencies in terms of wastewater treatment. For instance, IRIDRA was among the first firms that monitored its designed constructed wetlands for the treatment of combined sewer overflows or wineries. Another relevant example is the monitoring of the second largest constructed wetland tertiary treatment plant in Italy (Jesi - 60,000 PE), designed by IRIDRA.

In the following, some of the most relevant real scale nature-based solutions of which IRIDRA has done the monitoring and the dissemination.

Monitoring of the CW WWTP of Orhei Municipality (20.000 PE, Moldova)

urbani ohrei  web

Constructed wetland plant for the treatment of urban wastewater of Orhei town (20.000 PE - Moldova), designed by IRIDRA in collaboration with P&P, SWS, and Hydea.

orhei risultati

Influent and effluent COD concentrations from the different stages of CW WWTP of Orhei (1st stage French Reed Bed and 2nd stage vertical subsurface flow wetland, i.e. FRB and VF, respectively), from the monitoring of the first 3 years of functioning.

Monitoring of the CW plant for treatment of dairy wastewater produced by Fattoria della Piana (RC), Italy

caseifici fattoria della piana

Constructed wetland plant for the treatment of wastewater produced by the dairy Fattoria della Piana (RG - Italy), designed by IRIDRA

fattoria della piana risultati

Influent and effluent COD concentrations from the CW WWTP serving the Fattoria della Piana dairy, from the monitoring of the first 3 years of functioning.

Monitoring of the CW plant for treatment of wastewater produced by "Cecchi and Sons" winery (SI), Italy

cantine cecchi web

Constructed wetland plant for the treatment of wastewater produced by the winery Cecchi and Sons (SI - Italy), designed by IRIDRA

cecchi risultati  web

Influent and effluent COD concentrations from the different stages of CW WWTP for Cecchi and Sons winery (1st stage French Reed Bed, 2nd stage horizontal subsurface flow wetland, and 3rd stage free water surface wetland, i.e. FRB, VF, and FWS, respectively), from the monitoring of the 13 years of functioning.

Monitoring of the CW plant for treatment of combined sewer overflow of Gorla Maggiore (VA), Italy

cso gorla  web

Nature-based solution for treatment of combined sewer overflow sited in the new Water Park of Gorla Maggiore (VA), designed by IRIDRA

gorla risultati

Influent and effluent COD concentrations from the CSO-CW of Gorla maggiore for three CSO events in three different seasons (Spring, Summer and Autumn 2014).

IRIDRA gestione ecosostenibile delle risorse idriche

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