Courses & Conferences

Courses are fundamental to disseminate and teach new concepts to students and professional, especially in the field of nature-based solutions (such as constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment) and sustainable water management, which are often not yet included in university programmes.

Conferences, workshops, and seminars are events in which experts present and discuss among the most advanced research activities, applications, and experiences. Therefore, these are fundamental dissemination events, allowing to exchange knowledge and discuss new ideas.

IRIDRA has given an important contribution to dissemination activities in the years: organizing, in Venice in 2010, the 12th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, one of the two most important international conferences in the field of constructed wetlands; organizing international courses for student and professionals within the NaWaTech project; with its experts of international fame in the fields of constructed wetlands and sustainable water management, who were invited to 10 keynote speeches and as member of the scientific commission to 12 international conferences; with more than 100 teching events as lecturer in both national and international coureses.

12th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, organized by the International Water Association, Venice, October 2010 (IRIDRA was chairman of the conference). Note: the International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control together with the International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL) are the two worldwide most important conferences in the field of the constructed wetland, and they are alternatively placed every two years

Training Programme “Technologies and Business Development in Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems”, organized by NaWaTech and Cewas South Asia, Pune, India, April 2015 .


 "The International Training Course of Engineered Treatment Wetland Technology: Theory, Design & Application 2019" in Shenzen, China (docenti principali Dr. Fabio Masi, M.E. Scott D. Wallace, M.E. Dirk Esser e prof. Abraham Esteve Nunez).

  1. Masi F., “A survey of constructed wetlands in Italy as low-cost wastewater technologies”, International Conference on “Small Wastewater Technologies and Management for the Mediterranean Area”, organizzato da CENTA (Centro de las nuevas tecnologias del aguas), Siviglia, Marzo 2002.
  2. Masi F., “A Multi-stage Constructed Wetland system for the wastewater treatment of a medium size municipality (3500 inhabitants) in Central Italy”, MEDA Water International Conference on “Sustainable Water Management”, organizzato da Zer0-m project (CERTE, AEE Intec, partners), Tunisi, Marzo 2007.
  3. Masi F., “Water reuse and resources recovery: the role of Constructed Wetlands in the Ecosan approach”, International Conference on “Multifunctions of wetland systems”, organizzato da Università di Padova, IWA Italian national committee, Padova, Giugno 2007.
  4. Masi F., “Constructed Wetlands for decentralised wastewater treatment”, International Symposium: “Community-led management of river environment”, organised by Kaprimo Project (Adelphi Research gGmbH, ECCA-Nepal, partners), Kathmandu, Agosto 2007.
  5. Masi F., “Constructed wetlands in small/medium size communities and tourism facilities: design optimisation aimed to the effluent reuse and nutrients recovering”, International Conference on “Small Wastewater Technologies and Management for the Mediterranean Area”, organizzato da CENTA (Centro de las nuevas tecnologias del aguas), Siviglia, Novembre 2007.
  6. Masi F. et al., “Segregated black/grey domestic wastewater treatment by constructed wetlands in the Mediterranean basin: the Zero-m experience”, 11th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, organizzato da International Water Association (IWA), Indore, India, Novembre 2008.
  7. Masi F., “Constructed wetlands in warm and hot climate countries: new developments”, 1st International WATERBIOTECH Conference “Biotechnology For Africa's Sustainable Water Supply” , National Research Center (NRC), Cairo, ,Egitto, Ottobre 2012.
  8. Masi F. et al., “Multı-stage constructed wetlands systems for municipal wastewater treatment”, 13th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, organizzata da International Water Association (IWA), Perth, Australia, Novembre 2012.
  9. Masi F. et al., “Winery wastewater treatment by constructed wetlands: a review”, 14th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, organizzato da International Water Association, Shanghai, Cina, Ottobre 2014.
  10. Masi F., “Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control”, SWMED Final Conference: Sustainable water use in Mediterranean Regions, organizzato da CERTE, Tunisi, Tunisia, Febbraio 2015.
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