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Horizon2020 funded NICE (Innovative and enhanced nature-based
solutions for sustainable urban water cycle) aims to promote the use of nature-based solutions (NBS) for circular urban water management.
The project will generate knowledge for the design and implementation of NBS with the goal of closing urban water loops. The solutions will capture water, treat it and repurpose it for different uses, while mitigating pollution and runoff.
Building in an extensive analysis of existing NBS, NICE will develop and test new approaches in labs and 'Urban Real Labs' (URLs) located in Vigo, Talavera, Algeciras, Benalmadena, Madrid (all in Spain), Lyon (France), Turin (Italy), Aarhus (Denmark), Gdansk (Poland), Cairo (Egypt) and Pereira (Colombia). NICE NBS will address all facets of the urban water cycle: wastewater, greywater, river basins, stormwater and combined sewer overflow. NBS developed in NICE will include green walls, green roofs, rain gardens and hybrid subsurface wetlands, that will then be enhanced with tailored strategies such as bioaugmentation and development of innovative reactive media. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101003765.

IRIDRA is partner of NICE, principally following the use of green roofs and green walls as NBS for greywater treatment and reuse.

For more details:

iridra - nice green walls
iridra - nice Madrid
iridra - nice Vigo
iridra - nice Turin
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