Single and small group of houses - IRIDRA's solutions

For the single or small group of houses, IRIDRA proposes the following technical solutions

Classical constructed wetlands

  • Constructed wetlands with horizontal subsurface flow (HF)
  • Constructed wetlands with vertical subsurface flow (VF)
  • Hybrid constructed wetlands: HF + VF

Low-tech solutions

  • Trickling filters
IRIDRA progetto per Casa di proprietà del Sig. Gallerini

Single house of Mr. Gallerini, Scandicci (FI - Italy)

Treated person equivalent: 8 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution: HF

Year of realization: 2010

IRIDRA progetto per Civili abitazioni area residenziale Albanella - 1

Residential houses in Albanella - 1, Tavernelle Val di Pesa (FI - Italy)

Treated person equivalent: 137 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution: HF + VF

Year of design: 2008

IRIDRA progetto per Civili abitazioni in località San Donato alla Collina

Single housed in San Donato alla Collina, Rignano sull'Arno (FI - Italy)

Treated person equivalent: 22 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution: HF

Year of design: 2011

IRIDRA progetto per Villa

Villa "Il Bosco Lucente", Fiesole (FI - Italy)

Treated person equivalent: 29 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution: HF

Year of realization: 2002

IRIDRA progetto per Caserma della Guardia di Finanza di San Miniato (PI)

Barracks of Finance police of San Miniato (PI - Italy)

Treated person equivalent: 14 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution: HF

Year of design: 2009

IRIDRA progetto per Civili abitazioni area residenziale Albanella - 2

Residential houses in Albanella - 2, Tavernelle Val di Pesa (FI - Italy)

Treated person equivalent: 18 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution: HF

Year of design: 2008

IRIDRA progetto per Casa famiglia per disabili sita in San Casciano in Val di Pesa (FI)

Group home for people with handicap in San Casciano in Val di Pesa (FI - Italy)

Treated person equivalent: 30 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution: HF

Year of design: 2016

IRIDRA progetto per Civili abitazioni in località Petrognano, Rufina (FI)

Residential houses in Petrognano, Rufina (FI - Italy)

Treated person equivalent: 20 PE

Chosen Nature-based solution: HF

Year of design: 2007

IRIDRA progetto per Comunità di accoglienza per soggetti con dipendenze sita a Pistoia (PT)

Drug rehabilitation centre in Pistoia (PT - Italy)

Treated person equivalent: 41 PE

Chosen technological solution: Trickling filters

Year of design: 2016

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© 2018-2025 IRIDRA Srl

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P.IVA e C.F. IT04932610480
CCIAA Firenze num. 13926 - REA 502549 FI
Capitale Sociale (i.v.): 10.329,15 euro