Single and small group of houses - IRIDRA's solutions
For the single or small group of houses, IRIDRA proposes the following technical solutions
Classical constructed wetlands
- Constructed wetlands with horizontal subsurface flow (HF)
- Constructed wetlands with vertical subsurface flow (VF)
- Hybrid constructed wetlands: HF + VF
Low-tech solutions
- Trickling filters

Single house of Mr. Gallerini, Scandicci (FI - Italy)
Treated person equivalent: 8 PE
Chosen Nature-based solution: HF
Year of realization: 2010

Residential houses in Albanella - 1, Tavernelle Val di Pesa (FI - Italy)
Treated person equivalent: 137 PE
Chosen Nature-based solution: HF + VF
Year of design: 2008

Single housed in San Donato alla Collina, Rignano sull'Arno (FI - Italy)
Treated person equivalent: 22 PE
Chosen Nature-based solution: HF
Year of design: 2011

Villa "Il Bosco Lucente", Fiesole (FI - Italy)
Treated person equivalent: 29 PE
Chosen Nature-based solution: HF
Year of realization: 2002

Barracks of Finance police of San Miniato (PI - Italy)
Treated person equivalent: 14 PE
Chosen Nature-based solution: HF
Year of design: 2009

Residential houses in Albanella - 2, Tavernelle Val di Pesa (FI - Italy)
Treated person equivalent: 18 PE
Chosen Nature-based solution: HF
Year of design: 2008

Group home for people with handicap in San Casciano in Val di Pesa (FI - Italy)
Treated person equivalent: 30 PE
Chosen Nature-based solution: HF
Year of design: 2016

Residential houses in Petrognano, Rufina (FI - Italy)
Treated person equivalent: 20 PE
Chosen Nature-based solution: HF
Year of design: 2007

Drug rehabilitation centre in Pistoia (PT - Italy)
Treated person equivalent: 41 PE
Chosen technological solution: Trickling filters
Year of design: 2016