
PAVITR (Potential and Validation of Sustainable Natural & Advance Technologies for Water & Wastewater Treatment, Monitoring and Safe Water Reuse in India) is a project designed under the call H2020-SC5-2018-1 for the India-Europe cooperation on water (Grant Agreement No. 821410 – PAVITR -H2020-SC5-2018-2019-2020). The main aim of PAVITR project is to validate, deploy or develop cost-effective & sustainable solutions to tackle water challenges and ensure the provision of safe water reuse, rejuvenate water quality of rivers, and restore ecosystems in India. This will be achieved by deploying & developing water / wastewater technologies, and use of sensors for emerging and traditional contaminants.

Further, it also aims to develop new management & planning strategies and enable better monitoring of pollution levels in real-time modes. This will not only contribute to the development of sustainable technologies to cope with water shortages in rural and urbanised areas in India, but also in Europe, where climate change is expected to induce a changing and uncertain precipitation pattern and an enhancement in temperature. It will assess and enhance the potential of natural and technical water treatment systems to suit the local hydro-geological conditions.

Moreover, the projects will assess and validate different wastewater and water management plans. Besides the technical aspects, research will also cover financial, environmental and institutional sustainability of those systems in order to develop and bring to the market a cost-efficient multi-barrier water management approach by building capacity.

iridra - Pavitir logo

IRIDRA is partner of PAVITR. IRIDRA brings the experience gained as partner of the previous India-Europe cooperation project, NaWaTech, and is principally involved in the design of Nature-Based Solutions related to constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and reuse and for feacal sludge drying.

For more details:

PAVITR concept: technological and nature-based solutions to improve sanitation and to foster circular economy in Indian context

PAVITR concept web

IRIDRA is principally involved in the design of Nature-Based Solutions related to constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and reuse and for feacal sludge drying.

Cooperation between Europe and India to improve sanitation and to foster a circular economy of water in India

EU India Water cooperation

PAVITR merges the experience of two previous successful India-Europe cooperation projects: NaWaTech (of which IRIDRA was partner) and SWINGS.  

The team

PAVITR team KoM 14th Feb 2019 New Delhi II

Kick-off meeting 15th February 2019, New Delhi, India. IRIDRA is among the 22 partners of the project.

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