Consulting & Feasibility studies

On the basis of a twenty years old experience in the field of wastewater treatment and sustainable water management, IRIDRA is able to offer a wide spectrum of consultant activities to both public and private clients: review of existing projects; multi criteria analyses (MCA) for the selection of best solutions considering different alternatives in terms of CAPEX and OPEX as well as environmental impacts, landscaping, and social and recreational opportunities; surveis on existing plants with operating issues and refurbishment; assistance to development of water plans, regulation, and guidelines; fund raising; national and internationa networking.

In order to investigate the feasibility of a work and decide the best management of water resources or wastewater treatment, a feasibility study is often the best tool to adopt. A good feasibility study must depend on a proper preliminary analysis of, for instance, the following aspects: water resources; local climatic conditions; geomorphology and geology of the area; environmental issues; suitability of construction site; material costs.


IRIDRA has gained a wide experience in the fields of sustainable water management, nature-based solutions, constructed wetlands for different types of wastewater, nutrient and energy recovery from wastewater (circular economy). Moreover, the IRIDRA national and international network allows the involvement of among the maximum experts in the previously reported fields. Therefore, IRIDRA can propose to its clients the best suitable solutions, highlighting pros and cons with comprehensive and robust reasons.

IRIDRA gestione ecosostenibile delle risorse idriche

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