Quality Policy

since 2005 we are ISO9001 certified

IRIDRA aims to acquire and maintain increasing competitiveness with the competition, through the full satisfaction of the Client's expectations, in terms of project quality and high level of service provided, as well as to comply with current legislation and regulations in our sector, adapting its Quality System to them.

Primary objectives:

  • full customer satisfaction
  • the quality of the realized project
  • the maintenance of the public sector as a major client
  • the increase of major clients in the private sector
  • compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to our activities
  • the continuous improvement of the company's products and system management
  • the continuous improvement of the professionalism and helpfulness of our staff

Activities to achieve the objectives:

  • satisfaction of requirements for projects and services
  • implementation, research and development of new and improved solutions
  • research and updating, improvement of hardware and software to be used in the implementation of the planned works
  • the broad and widespread involvement of all personnel, for the continuous improvement of processes and thus of the product
  • training at all levels of staff for professional improvement
  • the promotion of meetings with Suppliers for technical relationships and exchanges and dissemination of the mentality of continuous improvement
  • compliance with workplace safety and environmental regulations in force
  • maintaining certification of the Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001.

Annually, in the QMS review, specific goals are set, for the achievement of which the continuous and complete commitment of all personnel is considered indispensable and decisive. In addition, the adequacy of this policy document is reassessed.

Our goal is to realize a strongly Customer-oriented Company, committed to continuous improvement and making Customer satisfaction the determining and differential factor in a highly competitive market.

IRIDRA gestione ecosostenibile delle risorse idriche

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© 2018-2025 IRIDRA Srl

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P.IVA e C.F. IT04932610480
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Capitale Sociale (i.v.): 10.329,15 euro